ICCS is requesting submission of Case Study Interpretation (CSI) cases to be considered for publication in the ICCS eNewsletter and other online educational materials.

Submissions will be reviewed by the Education committees for content, accuracy, clarity and suitability for publication and/or presentation.

Please submit the following:

  • A brief case history including demographic data, specimen type, relevant clinical history, and indication for study.
  • Selected de-identified list mode files to post on the ICCS website (download example fcs file).
  • A table of the list mode files provided, detailing antibodies and fluorochromes used, the format in which files were collected (FCS2.0 or FCS3.0, e.g.) and the software used for collection.
  • PDF files for each tube selected, showing an example of what a correct and complete analysis should look like (download example PDF file).
  • Powerpoint presentation summarizing the case, approximately 15 – 30 slides, to include a description of a recommended analysis strategy, the flow cytometric pertinent findings, and their significance (download example summary file).
  • A passport-style photo of each author.
  • A signed web consent form.

Step 1: Authors/Presenter

Corresponding/Presenting Author
First Name
Last Name
Email Address

Complete Author List
Author(s): Name, Affiliation, and contact information

Web Posting Consent

Please indicate your consent of the following conditions. All are required.

 I give my consent for this material to be published on the International Clinical Cytometry Society Website.

 I understand that the published article will be freely available via the internet.

 I certify that my submission will comply with copyright law (see guidelines to the right).


DO NOT include copyrighted material (reprints, slides, graphs, etc.) unless you have obtained written permission from the copyright owner of the material (usually the publisher). U.S. copyright law prohibits the reproduction of an “article” unless consent from the copyright owner is obtained. The word “article” refers to any portion of a publication being copied (such as a column, illustration, graph, chapter, or any series of consecutive pages). Verification of consent must accompany the presentation material upon transmission to the International Clinical Cytometry Society. If you elect to include copyrighted material, you agree to obtain all necessary consents and you accept responsibility for any actions the copyright owner may be entitled to under U.S. Copyright law.

The scope of the consent for use of the copyrighted material must encompass not only the presenter's use, but also its use in a continuing medical education activity that will be copyrighted as a collective work by The International Clinical Cytometry Society.

Please be aware that if the copyrighted material is used without securing that copyright owner's consent, the copyright owner may be entitled under U.S. Copyright law to seek injunctive relief, criminal action or civil remedies that may include statutory damages upwards of $150,000 per infringing activity.