Past Recepients
2023 Virginia Litwin, PhD
2022 Andrea Illingworth, MS, H(ASCP)SCYM
2021 Teri Oldaker, CLS, SCYM (ASCP) CM
2020 Fiona Craig, MD
2019 Andy Rawstron, PhD
2018 Paul Wallace, PhD
2017 Philip McCoy, PhD
2016 Jonni Moore, PhD
2015 Brent Wood, PhD, MD
2014 Maurice O'Gorman, PhD
2013 Mark S. Kaminski, MD
2012 Gerald Marti, MD, PhD, FDA, NHLBI, NCI, NIH
2011 Charles Goolsby, PhD
2010 Maryalice Stetler-Stevenson, MD, PhD
2009 George Janossy, MD, PhD, FRCPath, DSci
2008 David Barnett, PhD, DipMS, FRCPath
2007 Jan Gratama, MD
2006 Michael Keeney, ART, FIMLS
2006 D. Robert Sutherland
2005 Michael Borowitz, MD, PhD
2004 Bruce Davis, MD
2003 Raul Braylan, MD
2002 Alberto Orfao, MD
2001 Greg Stelzer, PhD and Keith Shults, MS
2000 C. Bruce Bagwell, MD, PhD
1999 Janis Giorgi, PhD
1998 Scott Cram, PhD
1997 Bryan H. Mayall, MD
1996 Peter Rabinovitch, MD, PhD
1995 Howard Shapiro, MD
1994 Zbigniew Darzynkiewicz, MD,PhD
1993 Maria Pallavicini, PhD
1992 Carleton Stewart, PhD (in the CAC meeting)
1991 Noel Warner, PhD (in the CAC meeting, prior to Coulter sponsorship)
1990 Myron Melamed (in the CAC meeting, prior to Coulter sponsorship)