Course Committee

The ICCS Course Committee was founded in October of 2021 and strives to bring innovative educational content to the clinical cytometry community using a variety of educational formats. Course offerings typically include 1-2 in person and 1-2 virtual options each year. A summary of the different types of courses hosted by the course committee is listed below.

In-Person Practical Course:
This is an interactive clinical cytometry course typically held over 2.5-3 days (usually in the winter). This course provides a curriculum allowing for hands-on learning using interactive data analysis sessions, problem solving using flow cytometry instrument simulators, and didactic lectures. Students enjoy a small group setting allowing for a high instructor to student ratio that facilitates maximal interaction. Students will learn concepts of instrument optimization, compensation, and setting up panels in the simulator program software as well as best practices for data analysis with a focus on normal patterns and strategies for diagnosis of hematopoietic neoplasms. This course provides ample opportunities for in-person networking as well as one-on–one interaction with the faculty. This course is suited for technologists, pathologists, flow cytometry laboratory directors, hematopathology fellows, and anyone who might be interpreting a flow cytometry dot plot.

Click here to view more information for the upcoming 2024 program.

Virtual Summer Course:
This one-to-two-day course focuses on providing participants with the tools to build a better flow cytometry laboratory. A variety of topics are discussed ranging from panel design, instrument set up, strategies for engaging staff, regulatory issues, troubleshooting, and all points in between. The format for this virtual course is largely didactic and includes several round table discussions following each topic.

You can see more about the 2023 virtual summer program here.

In-Person Fall Course:
This two-and-a-half-day course is held in conjunction with the ICCS annual meeting. This course is structured as a series of didactic lectures delivered in a large group. Tools including audience response questions and a virtual QA system allow interaction during the lecture setting and students have the opportunity network with other students and faculty during breaks and social events. The topics for the fall course include panel design, validation, troubleshooting and regulatory issues with many lectures focusing on disease-based applications in clinical flow cytometry. This course is suited for technologists, pathologists, flow cytometry laboratory directors, hematopathology fellows, and anyone who might be interpreting a flow cytometry dot plot.

Here is the link to the 2023 fall course program.
And here is the link to the 2024 fall course program.

Virtual Interactive Course:
The virtual interactive courses are focused on disease specific topics and cover aspects of flow cytometric testing ranging from panel design and instrument set up to validation and data analysis. Analysis strategies are a focus of this course and interactive data analysis small group problem solving sessions are utilized to reinforce topics covered in a didactic setting.

See the link below for one of the previous virtual interactive course programs:

Interested in joining the Course Committee? Use the link in the right menu to download the application and submit it to

Appointments are made by the Committee Chair, after consideration of an application and letter of recommendation from an ICCS member. Elected terms are for 2 years, with the option of reappointment for a second term. The ICCS President is an ex officio member of the Course Committee.

Have questions or suggestions for topics of future courses? You can contact us at

Chair: Adam Seegmiller
Amr Rajab
Andrea Marcogliese
Bruce Greig
Sindhu Cherian Jolene Cardinali
Mike Linden
Paul Wallace
Qi Gao